Archive for the ‘Cars’ Category

Show Time in car sales

In every car sale the most crucial stage is when a potential buyer inspects the car they are interested in buying. Even the negotiation of the price will be influenced heavily by what the buyer thinks when they are shown the car. Most serious buyers will want to take the car for a test drive before they decide to buy it or not. Showing the car can be quite a nerve wracking experience for the seller especially if the buyer is a complete stranger. But it need not be.

Check with your insurance agency to find out whether the car’s policy allows for other people to drive your car. If it doesn’t then you need to make sure the buyer is fully covered.

Have a familiar route planned out before the test drive. Ideally the route should give the buyer an opportunity to drive the car on different road surfaces and at different speeds.

Meet your potential buyer during the day and in a public location for your safety. It’s always a good idea to let someone know where you will be and with who. Never invite a buyer into your home under any circumstances.

Just to be on the safe side, check the buyer’s license before they get into the car. It will validate their identity and ensure they are legally cleared to drive your car.

Accompany the buyer on the test drive but only if you feel comfortable doing so. This provides a great opportunity for you to gloat about your car by pointing out all the great features it has.

If you don’t plan to accompany the buyer on the test drive, validate their identity beforehand. Make sure you have more than just a name and a phone number. Have an address and a place of work and check them out. Realistically speaking though, you’ll probably still want to have someone in the car with them, even if it’s a friend or a family member.

Patiently answer the questions asked and be detaermined and think I want to sell my car. Remember that the buyer probably has just as much to lose as you do. Put them ease and earn their trust. It will make the price negotiation much smoother.

Be ready for trick questions during the test drive. One you are almost guaranteed to hear is: “What’s wrong with this car?” It’s an automatic assumption made by most of us whenever we hear something used is up for sale and some sellers at this point think “If i get asked stupid questions like this, I don’t want to sell my car to this person” but this is a formality and all potential buyers will ask such questions. The owner wants to get rid of it ergo, something must be wrong with it. Have your answers ready since hesitation can easily be mistaken for deception.

At the end of the day always trust your intuition. If a buyer makes you extremely uneasy then don’t proceed with the test drive. Tomorrow is still another day with a potential buyer waiting to get in touch with you.

Be your own personal car salesman

We buy cars but we drive them and enjoy their services but at a certain point we just want to sell them. Many factors can lead to these: someone has a better model for example or you want to try out the latest in the market. Trying to get rid of our cars can be a tricky affair especially if we have not done it before. There is a lot to learn to avoid being duped.

One of the questions we ask ourselves is whether to sell privately or trade it in for another. For one who is shopping for a new car trading it in is a better option. There is less hassle and all you pay is the difference in cost. The best thing you can do is shop around for the best dealer who gives you the best price for your car. However you can get even a higher price by selling it yourself.

Most buyers can be very nagging asking for unnecessary inspections, complaining of high prices. A good buyer is one who just stakes a look and gives a deposit there and then. At times when we are still paying for the car with the bank, it is ago idea to include the bank. The bank has your papers and it is only after the loan is cleared do they release them.

Always make sure that you thoroughly clean the cars before advertising it make sure the tyres have enough pressure, have your maintenances records ready to show your buyer the car has been welllooked after. Avoid smoking in the car if you smoke to ensure you get rid of the tobacco smell.

You may clean up your car but the buyer may not be convinced about it. Ensure you tell them of the other features your car has like for example heated mirrors and anything else that would increase the value of your car.

When selling privately have you final price in mind and stick to it. The only time you may change is if you get an offer very close to it. Ensure not to sell your car with a lot of issues to a potential buyer. It will be much better to sell to cheaper dealers as they will  fix it before they sell. You may get less for it but it is much better than transferring its issues to unsuspecting buyer.

Paperwork for sale varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Ensure you thoroughly research your area to avoid any complications associated with the sale of the carob a wised seller and get tips from others who have sold there cars and you are bound to reap better benefits. We can all be salesmen, all we need to know are the tricks of the trade then nothing can stand in our way and you can stop thinking that “i’m just not capableable to sell my car but you are mistaken. .

Selling Cars Using Blue Book Values

A car is usually a lifetime investment that is why when we are selling or buying we put a lot of consideration on the price and think many time “how much shall i sell my car“. There is always a variation of price depending on where you are selling the used car.

A lot of factors go into play when establishing these prices that is the year the car was manufactured, the make of the car, mileage, general condition of the car and many more.

As individuals we may not know the real value of our cars and through the blue book we are able to estimate its value. In general Blue Book is a source of information of the automobile/vehicle industry uses. The prices here are used for a variety of functions

Determining selling price to a dealer

Helping establish the price value of the car when dealing with individual buyers

The blue book is usually not biased and is a guideline where information found in this data base has been gathered over the years from auctions, dealers, manufacturers of cars parts and individual sales. Historical trends, development of the car industry, season location and current economic factors also are used in determining these prices.

Other services offered by the blue book are extended free warrant quotes, comparison of cars; free record checks and a calculator for payment. All these information can also be accessed in the internet so sell my car could not be easier nowaday.

Use of the Kelly Blue Book

This is a source of information for the motor industry since 1993.There are two versions of this book that is online and the printed version. For the hard copy the cars are listed alphabetically by name of the manufactures then broken down again by model. From this you find

1.       An inflated manufacturers suggested retail price

2.       An invoice of the dealer

3.       Kelly Blue book value

4.       Equipment price

When you compare these prices as you sell your used car and it falls between the manufactures and dealers price then it is fair.

A good price is usually lower than the inflated manufacturers suggested retail price so keep bargaining until you meet a buyer that meets this.

The Kelly Blue \book for used cars gives you:

1.       The asking price of retailers

2.       Expected price if you sell it to a personal buyer

3.       Kelly’s blue book value for a trade in

The dealers’ overhead costs make their prices higher than that of selling to a personal buyer in the Kelly Blue Book of used cars.

Many factors affect the final price of your used car and are usually lower than the retail value in the blue book. It is easier to access all this information online and an added advantage is that they are updated weekly. Also you are able to get access to the used car dealers in your area by entering your zip code in the suggested box.

Keys Points When Selling Your Second Hand Car

A number of people are usually interested in selling their vehicles through the safest and most profiting kinds of ways. They usually have the fear that while they are to sell a car, they might make a mistake in the business, probably legally or in terms of business. The simple truth is this: While one is making the sale to his or her second hand car,  and thinking how to sell my car, he/she should take the task as a usual business procedure, just as in the case of other business products sold in the market. It is therefore necessary to understand certain business principles that govern the process of buying and selling.

  1. 1.     Understand the principle of Demand

The first step in selling a car is to understand the principle of the demand. The second hand car seller needs to know which particular kind of market demands highly for their vehicle so they will know that someone will buy my car. While the supply for these vehicles may not be great, second hand cars may as well have a demand in some of the biggest markets in the middle class society of a country. Taking a car into a posh estate or environment and trying to sell it as a second hand item will simply lower the chances for it market. Another example is when at a particular time of the year one is to sell the car. If one owns a good convertible vehicle, he would wish to  have the second hand car n a season like summer, when the demand for the vehicle is quite high. The customer will want a vehicle that will allow for the freedom to open up its roof while travelling. When one wants to sell a car he should consider these things.

  1. 2.     Understand the market Value

The market value of the product will guide the seller in understanding what price he or she wishes to sell my car for. The seller will have to understand the value of the vehicle while it is at its original new state. After the seller  knows this value, he should look further into some of the current values of similar second hand cars. Such information is adequately found in such sources as the internet, through websites that are related to selling of second hand cars. Other sources are magazines and newspapers, which quote such necessary information about parties which are willing to sell a car. After understanding these values, and consequently comparing it with the original price of the vehicle, the seller will then turn to his car and ask certain particular questions. One of these questions is whether or not he has put in any additional features to the vehicles that will increase or decrease the original value of the used car. Adding new alloys, polishing the car, giving the dashboard a new look, changing the engine and the like will make the value of the vehicle shoot up. If one understands these values, he will be at an easier position to tag a certain value to the vehicle as he or she tries to sell their used car.      

These two principles are the fundamental ones in selling a car. Take a hold of them and you will be able to do better and quicker sale.

February 2025
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